It's been a long journey

So come along for the ride...

My Story

Hello and thank you for reading my story

I am writing this in the hope that other people in my situation will see this and know they are not alone, know that your pain is felt not just by me, know that there are new things being discovered every day, to help people understand what really happened during the last few years and provide some resources (below) for some things that have helped me and others.

If you are here for the resources, please scroll down to the next box below. If you are here for my story, you are in the right spot : )

Let's start with today and then jump back to the beginning why don't we?
I am writing this in April 2023 (Approx 1.5 years after my 2nd Pfizer covid shot), I still have a tight chest, I still have troble getting a full breath, I still feel like someone is standing on top of my chest and compressing my lungs, I still have heart palpitations 24/7, I still have a heart rate 90% higher then before my shots, but I am able to walk, talk and see the ever changing life that lies before me everyday, and for that I am greatful.

2020 - The Big Scary Cough

Now, jumping back to 2020, I'm sure you are aware of what happened, but something else also happened in the background, Governments around the world gave pharmaceutical companies "Emergency Use Authorization - EUA" FDA Announcement Here, which gave companies permission to develop "medical countermeasures, including vaccines" -FDA and speed up the process to get them approved for use without having to go through the normal trials that take years, which uncover long term side effects which may not be discovered until years after vaccination or a new drug is tested.

Well that sounds fair doesn't it? We've got a scary virus going around killing people, we need something to help stop the big bad!

Well here's the thing, the EUA doesn't just constitute vaccines, the FDA says "medical countermeasures", which includes thing other then a vaccine. But why did they jump straight for vaccines and not other types of medication? During 2020 & 2021, there were also other studies done with other types of medication, such as Ivermectin (HERE), Vitamin D3 & K2 (HERE) & (HERE), more on HCQ, zinc & so on...

Something else happening at the time as well. My mum tried to show me videos and articles of people suffering debilitating side effects and some even dying from the different shots. But I didn't listen. Why? Well at the time I didn't want to listen because it was how she was saying and showing me things, even though what she was showing me was certainly true, the way she was trying to communicate with me felt agressive and like she just wanted to talk at me then with me. (Thank you for trying mum)

October 2021 - Something's Wrong

Anyway... in 2021 in October just before my birthday, after months of the government, influencers and others pushing everyone to get vaccinated, one of my at the time "friends" called me up and said, hey I can get you a booking for a Pfizer shot... At the time all I saw and heard was people lining up to get the AstraZenica, Pfizer and moderna. But I also heard a lot about people getting blood clots from the AstraZenica so I thought it was a good idea to get the Pfizer shot instead... Something I didn't know at the time was that Pfizer was going on TV to scare people about the blood clots from the AZ shot and instead go for Pfizer.

So come vax day, I head in, get my shot and thought nothing of it... The next day I noticed I got a fairly tight chest, so I went to my GP (still believing doctors were acting in my best interest), they refered me to a cardiologist, booked in a time, went in and did an ultrasound of my heart, ECG test, blood test.

The results that came back on paper state "incomplete right bundle branch block". But what the cardiologist told me was that "everything was normal" and to just rest for a bit...
Great... super helpful...

Over the next couple of weeks I felt like my chest was getting back to normal so I thought I would be fine to get my second shot...

Come mid October, I get my second shot. The next day I felt super tired and had a bit of a sore arm, but just took that day to rest up, something I thought was fine and normal for the 2nd shot.

The next day I pretty much felt like normal, so I head into work, I go to walk up some stairs (something I do every day) and I was absolutely out of breath just 5 steps up (Before my shots I have been able to easily run 5 to 10 KMs and still have most of my breath at the end). So I thought that was a bit odd. So I head back to the GP, tell him what's going on, he refers me to another cardiologist, do the same tests as before and he says everything is normal and to just rest up and try something called colchicine (More info HERE), something which was a little pill that I had to take 3 times a day for about 2 months.

So I did, I took it for 2 months, it mostly seemed to help, I felt about 99% better which was great, so I thought I'd try and get back to improving my life and sign back up to the gym and get fit and healthy again.

During the next few months I was feeling stronger and fitter, but there was something which didn't quite feel right when I went back to running again. During a run or anything cardio related I noticed I couldn't quite fill my lungs up to get that last 1% of breath I was normally able to get. Now I assumed this was just because I wasn't as fit as I was before and just needed to push through it and eventually it would go away.

June 2022 - Something's Wrong... Again

Come June of 2022, after a good hour at the gym, the last bit of breath I couldn't quite get stuck around and didn't go away after a left the gym. Something else also happened that night when I tried to go to sleep. When I went to lay down it felt like someone was standing on top of my chest and squeezing my lungs at the same time. So that night I had to get about 5 pillows to prop myself up to be able to sleep and releive some of the pressure off my chest.

The next morning I called my "friend" who worked at the clinic where I got my Pfizer shots and he managed to get me a spot the same day which was amazing. So I head in later that day and tell the doctor what was going on, so she listened to my chest with a stethoscope and said "hmm, sounds like there is a lot of fluid around your heart, luckliy it should only be pericarditis" (What is pericarditis HERE).

OH GREAT, IT'S ONLY PERICARDITIS! LUCKY ME! A FIT 23 YEAR OLD WITH NO COVID INFECTION WHO HAS BEEN LUCKY ENOUGH TO HAVE PROBLEMS WITH MY HEART, OH BOY I'M SO LUCKY!, How do I know I've never gotten Covid? Well I've never tested positive from the many PCR and other Covid tests and there is a big difference between a Covid infection and a Covid vaccine. A covid vaccine is only mRNA which makes the spike protein, a Covid infection gives you the Covid virus which gives you at least 4 proteins AND the spike protein. Under a microscope I only had spike protein in my blood, no other virus proteins. More info on Vaccine VS Natural Infection HERE

So I get refered to another cardiologist, he does the same tests as before, Blood test, ECG, Ultrasound of my heart, as I've already tried colchicine, he recommends me some stimulant, so I try that for a few days but makes my chest much tighter. When I go back to him he says "Well thats all I can do, my job here is done". Great! Another doctor who is just a walking textbook that doesn't know what to do after he has tried 2 different things and they both don't work.

Over the next few days I manage to get a booking with another cardiologist at that same hospital so see if maybe they have any other ideas. This time she does the same tests, along with a stress test on a treadmill. During the run I can feel my chest almost caving in on it self, I am struggling to get even half a breath but I manage to complete the test. When I head back into her office, I sit down and for the rest of the 10 minutes I am in her office I am hunched over, having to lift my shoulders just trying to get a full breath.

What she said next just felt like a slap in the face and an absolute let down, she told me the results looked fine and I can go back to exercise. Since she didn't even seem to acknowledge me struggling to breathe infront of her I gave up trying to get any help from her and left.

Over the next few weeks my dad books recommends me to go to a cardiologist he saw a while ago and trusted quite well. So I head into his office, he does just 2 tests this time, an ECG and an ultrasound of my heart and says, "well the tests show nothing is wrong, maybe its anxiety" (Keep in mind I've never suffered anxiety in my life, yes i've been a bit depressed during high school, who hasn't?).

Great! Another doctor who doesn't know what do to when his knowledge of a book fails him.

The cardiologist recommends me to do a Lung Function Test, which I did, and the test shows that nothing is wrong, great...

After seeing so many different specialists, it feels like I'm getting nowhere, it feels like no test or anything seems to show what I'm going through, it feels like I can't enjoy anything in life anymore and since I can barely walk up stairs, barely sleep, barely breathe or feel relaxed for even a microsecond, I get my belt, go into my wardrobe and attempt to hang myself to stop what feels like eternal suffering.

Just as I go to wrap the belt around my neck and the clothes hanger pole, I hear my dad yell out that dinner is ready. I yell out OKAYYY, and realised that I didn't want dad or anyone else to see me hanging in my room. So I wipe my face and head out to dinner like nothing happened.

July 2022 - A New Hope

The next few days my dad goes to a coffee shop and finds someone pretty much in my same position, a young healthy male who is now barely able to breathe after his Pfizer Covid vaccine, he says to dad that something that really helped him was going to an osteopath.

Ok cool, Something new to try, nothing to loose. So I find an osteopath, he takes a look at me, after a chat, cracks and pops a few things and it finally feels like the metaphorical elephant that has been standing on my chest for months has finally half stepped off. Awesome! I also tell him that I had a build up of fluid around my heart, and for the first time in almost a year I get an acknowledgement of what I've been going through. He explains that when there is too much fluid or something wrong with the heart, the rib cage and chest moves around and tightens to protect the heart.

Over the next few days the metaphorical elephant comes back... So I head back to him every week or two and he pops and cracks many things. Over the next few months, the tightness in my chest and feeling like I'm getting nowhere comes and I decide to get my belt once more, only this time I get a call from one of my closest friends (Let's call him Mr Good Man). Whether this is a sign from God, pure luck or whatever it is, it pulled me back from what I was about to do and I go have another good chat with someone I can call one of my greatest friends (Thank you Mr Good Man)

Fast forward about 8 months, after seeing the osteopath almost every week, I finally don't have to lift my shoulders to get a full breath, I don't have to sleep with 10 pillows to breathe at night, I have't considered using my belt for non pants holding up related activities and I feel like I may be able to adapt to this new life that has been given to me. I can still barely walk up stairs without feeling like I've got 10 bricks on my chest, I still can't do any exercise, I still can't do many things. But I can walk on flat surfaces, I can still talk, I can still see, I can still talk to my friends and family, and for that I am greatful.

October 2022 - A Trip To Hospital

Around October 2022, my mum puts me in contact with a nurse who was also in my same position, tight chest after covid vaccine, hard to breathe, etc... She tells me that she saw a cardiologist who she managed to convince to give her a 5 day course of IVIG (Immunoglobulin via IV drip over the course of 5 days) and on the 5th days she felt like she was completely back to normal. Awesome! Almost sounds too good to be true but anything is worth a try. So a few weeks and around $15,000 later I get settled into my hospital bed for 5 days.

Now two very big things happened during these 5 days. The first being that unfortunately I noticed no change in my chest, but the second big thing changed with the people who I called my friends. Out of the two main friend groups I had, One from Uni when I was doing my IT course and one from the other Uni when I was doing my music course.

All three of my friends from my IT uni came to visit me during my stay. We had a good laugh, a good chat and overall a great time. Thank you Mr K, Thank you Mr G and Thank you Ms U.

But from the 6 or so in the music group, only one came to show up... I would have thought friends would have visited and supported their friends when they are in the hospital? I guess only real friends do. So I took some time to evaluate the people I knew. From the IT group, they all came to visit me in hospital, they all seem to want to better themselves in life, they all seem to want to talk about how to improve themselves, but from the music group, most of them just wanted to play video games, some of them were apparently too busy with work to be bothered to come visit me in hospital and when it came to christmas, they didn't seem to want to do anything because they were "too poor".

Since you become the people you hang around with the most, I decided that I would only keep people around me who I beleived were my friends, who I beleived wanted to see each other be the best version of themselves they could be and could be someone I could basically trust with my life. So I left all the group chats from the music group, left all the chats where it was just memes, left all the chats that were a waste of time and stayed with the ones I could truly call my friends.

During my hospital stay I also discovered someone on YouTube called Wim Hof, he is a man who beleives in using the cold to heal. So when I got home I decided instead of having a normal hot shower, I would start to have a cold shower. What started with a shock to my system eventually became something that I just had to do before bed, Even to today I am having a cold shower instead of a hot shower.

Something else I also discovered was someone on YouTube called Dr John Campbell, (I'd recommend taking a watch of some of his stuff HERE). Among his many videos, he interviewed a mountain biker named Kyle, (Watch HERE, HERE and HERE). Kyle said they one of the many things he tried was a Hyperbaric Oxygen chamber (HBOC), which is usually a little box you sit in, it fills up with oxygen and hydrogen in a pressurised chamber. Kyle mentioned that he was doing this 3-4 times a week for 3 months and seemed to really help him recover.

December 2022 - Blood

My mum suggested going to see someone who does something called "Live blood analysis"... After finding a place near me and making a booking with a skeptical but open mind, we find someone who can do this a little drive away from home, cool.

So I head in, have a chat, he pricks my finger and puts a tiny drop of blood on a glass slide and takes a look at it under his microscope with the TV display just next to it. What I saw next was confusing, depressing, scary and very strange. I could see each blood cell... but they were all clotted up and like a stack of coins. Rouleaux is a term to describe blood cells that have clotted / stuck together, take a read on wikipedia HERE.

If you want to see a picture of what my blood looked like, click ME . So he gave me some liquid herbs, liquid oxygen and hydrogen pills, told to take 10 MLs of the liquid oxygen & herbs twice a day, 1 of the hydrogen pills twice a day and come back in two weeks to take a look again.

Fast forward 2 weeks, we take another look at my blood under a microscope and... an IMPROVEMENT!!! Take a look at my new blood HERE. Awesome! I thought to myself. So I finished the rest of the bottles and while I didn't feel different, I at least knew there was some improvement within myself.

February 2023 - HBOC

So I found a place near me which had a Hyperbaric Oxygen Chamber and I booked in 3 sessions a week for 3 months and ... No change, bugger. I also decided to head back to the guy who took a look at my blood halfway through this and take a look at my blood again, because I would have thought breathing in oxygen and hydrogen in a pressurised environment would have been the same if not better then the pills, but strangely my blood had clotted back to before again, which sucked. So I took some more liquid oxygen and hydrogen pills again and hoped for the best.

Now I realised since I was able to fix my blood situation at least temporarily, but it going back to before after the oxygen and hydrogen there must still be something causing it to clump together, so there doesn't seem to be too much of a point to keep taking the oxygen and hydrogen until I address the problem causing the clumping in the first place.

Well anyway, onto the next thing I guess...

March 2023 - Slowly getting somewhere

So it's now near the end of March 2023 and i'd say my chest is about 10% better then when I started which is at least something I am greatful for. So I saw this video by Russell Brand who was interviewing a scientist who was talking about the benifits of saunas (Take a watch HERE), So i'm now up to today in early April 2023 and I've been going to the sauna every second or third day for about a week, unfortunately no change just yet but i'm still hopeful that there is something out there that may one day work.

Now to wrap up the last bits of this, a few of the reason why I decided to write this was because last night I was going over a few of the reports from the tests I had done over the last 2 years since I had my shots in October 2021. Now keep in mind I have had no physical injuries, no medical issues and have never had to take any pills except for maybe one or two asprin when I had a headache.

So, of the tests I had done and the reports that came with it, I decided to have another read over them again as I only recently got them after months of test among other things, and some things just didn't feel right. Apart from the GP who gave me the shots and then said luckily I've only got pericarditis, every other doctor and specialist said to my face that the tests show that nothing is wrong... But on my ECG after my first shot, the report said I had "An Incomplete right bundle branch block" the Transthoracic Echocardiograph of my heart from the 1st cardiologist says "Mild mitral regurgitation" and "Mild Tricuspid regurgitation", my blood test from the cardiologist shows that my Albumin level was at 53, when the normal range was 39-50.

Something didn't feel right for me looking back over these reports, especially when the doctors said there was nothing wrong when the tests say otherwise, they didn't even acknowledge what the results say.

And now we're back to today, I've had to leave work due to the ever increasing difficulty of breathing and am now on a full time journey to wellness and recovery.

Thank you for reading and please be greatful for the things you do still have because your health and wellness is your most important asset you can have in life.

More to come as I figure out this quite annoying puzzle, bye for now and thank you for reading!

Update from September 2023:

So far, these are the things I have tried that have helped other people but unfortunately have not helped me:
  • 12mg Ivermectin for 3 months
  • Zinc
  • Hydroxychloroquine
  • Vitamin C via IV
  • IVIG
  • Hyperbaric oxygen chamber 3 times a week for 3 months, 90 minute sessions.
  • PEA
  • Low Dose Naltrexone
  • Vitamin D Supplaments - 6 months
  • Vitamin A Supplaments - 3 months
  • Supplaments D3 & K2 - 2 months
  • Periodic daily fasts
  • Nattokinase - 4 months
  • Aspirin - 2 weeks
  • Melatonin - 5 months
  • Magnesium - ongoing since 4 years ago
  • Methylene blue - 2 months
  • Resveratrol - 2 months
  • N-acetyl cysteine - 3 months
  • Omega-3 fatty acids - ongoing since 4 years ago
  • Nigella sativa
  • Chlorine Dioxite
  • Acupuncture
  • Nicotein Patches for 1 month
  • Nicotein Gum for 1 month
  • Sleeping on a grounding mat for 2 years (still to this day)
  • ASEA water and gel for a month
  • 48 hour fasting once, then 2 meals a day for 2 months
  • Carnivore diet for 3 months (Just steak and eggs)

- My batch numbers are FF8222 (17 Sep 2021, Dose 1) and FG3712 (08 Oct 2021, Dose 2). Both Pfizer.

My Story

Hello and thank you for reading my story

I am writing this in the hope that other people in my situation will see this and know they are not alone, know that your pain is felt not just by me, know that there are new things being discovered every day, to help people understand what really happened during the last few years and provide some resources (below) for some things that have helped me and others.

If you are here for the resources, please scroll down to the next box below. If you are here for my story, you are in the right spot : )

Let's start with today and then jump back to the beginning why don't we?
I am writing this in April 2023 (Approx 1.5 years after my 2nd Pfizer covid shot), I still have a tight chest, I still have troble getting a full breath, I still feel like someone is standing on top of my chest and compressing my lungs, I still have heart palpitations 24/7, I still have a heart rate 90% higher then before my shots, but I am able to walk, talk and see the ever changing life that lies before me everyday, and for that I am greatful.

2020 - The Big Scary Cough

Now, jumping back to 2020, I'm sure you are aware of what happened, but something else also happened in the background, Governments around the world gave pharmaceutical companies "Emergency Use Authorization - EUA" FDA Announcement Here, which gave companies permission to develop "medical countermeasures, including vaccines" -FDA and speed up the process to get them approved for use without having to go through the normal trials that take years, which uncover long term side effects which may not be discovered until years after vaccination or a new drug is tested.

Well that sounds fair doesn't it? We've got a scary virus going around killing people, we need something to help stop the big bad!

Well here's the thing, the EUA doesn't just constitute vaccines, the FDA says "medical countermeasures", which includes thing other then a vaccine. But why did they jump straight for vaccines and not other types of medication? During 2020 & 2021, there were also other studies done with other types of medication, such as Ivermectin (HERE), Vitamin D3 & K2 (HERE) & (HERE), more on HCQ, zinc & so on...

Something else happening at the time as well. My mum tried to show me videos and articles of people suffering debilitating side effects and some even dying from the different shots. But I didn't listen. Why? Well at the time I didn't want to listen because it was how she was saying and showing me things, even though what she was showing me was certainly true, the way she was trying to communicate with me felt agressive and like she just wanted to talk at me then with me. (Thank you for trying mum)

October 2021 - Something's Wrong

Anyway... in 2021 in October just before my birthday, after months of the government, influencers and others pushing everyone to get vaccinated, one of my at the time "friends" called me up and said, hey I can get you a booking for a Pfizer shot... At the time all I saw and heard was people lining up to get the AstraZenica, Pfizer and moderna. But I also heard a lot about people getting blood clots from the AstraZenica so I thought it was a good idea to get the Pfizer shot instead... Something I didn't know at the time was that Pfizer was going on TV to scare people about the blood clots from the AZ shot and instead go for Pfizer.

So come vax day, I head in, get my shot and thought nothing of it... The next day I noticed I got a fairly tight chest, so I went to my GP (still believing doctors were acting in my best interest), they refered me to a cardiologist, booked in a time, went in and did an ultrasound of my heart, ECG test, blood test.

The results that came back on paper state "incomplete right bundle branch block". But what the cardiologist told me was that "everything was normal" and to just rest for a bit...
Great... super helpful...

Over the next couple of weeks I felt like my chest was getting back to normal so I thought I would be fine to get my second shot...

Come mid October, I get my second shot. The next day I felt super tired and had a bit of a sore arm, but just took that day to rest up, something I thought was fine and normal for the 2nd shot.

The next day I pretty much felt like normal, so I head into work, I go to walk up some stairs (something I do every day) and I was absolutely out of breath just 5 steps up (Before my shots I have been able to easily run 5 to 10 KMs and still have most of my breath at the end). So I thought that was a bit odd. So I head back to the GP, tell him what's going on, he refers me to another cardiologist, do the same tests as before and he says everything is normal and to just rest up and try something called colchicine (More info HERE), something which was a little pill that I had to take 3 times a day for about 2 months.

So I did, I took it for 2 months, it mostly seemed to help, I felt about 99% better which was great, so I thought I'd try and get back to improving my life and sign back up to the gym and get fit and healthy again.

During the next few months I was feeling stronger and fitter, but there was something which didn't quite feel right when I went back to running again. During a run or anything cardio related I noticed I couldn't quite fill my lungs up to get that last 1% of breath I was normally able to get. Now I assumed this was just because I wasn't as fit as I was before and just needed to push through it and eventually it would go away.

June 2022 - Something's Wrong... Again

Come June of 2022, after a good hour at the gym, the last bit of breath I couldn't quite get stuck around and didn't go away after a left the gym. Something else also happened that night when I tried to go to sleep. When I went to lay down it felt like someone was standing on top of my chest and squeezing my lungs at the same time. So that night I had to get about 5 pillows to prop myself up to be able to sleep and releive some of the pressure off my chest.

The next morning I called my "friend" who worked at the clinic where I got my Pfizer shots and he managed to get me a spot the same day which was amazing. So I head in later that day and tell the doctor what was going on, so she listened to my chest with a stethoscope and said "hmm, sounds like there is a lot of fluid around your heart, luckliy it should only be pericarditis" (What is pericarditis HERE).

OH GREAT, IT'S ONLY PERICARDITIS! LUCKY ME! A FIT 23 YEAR OLD WITH NO COVID INFECTION WHO HAS BEEN LUCKY ENOUGH TO HAVE PROBLEMS WITH MY HEART, OH BOY I'M SO LUCKY!, How do I know I've never gotten Covid? Well I've never tested positive from the many PCR and other Covid tests and there is a big difference between a Covid infection and a Covid vaccine. A covid vaccine is only mRNA which makes the spike protein, a Covid infection gives you the Covid virus which gives you at least 4 proteins AND the spike protein. Under a microscope I only had spike protein in my blood, no other virus proteins. More info on Vaccine VS Natural Infection HERE

So I get refered to another cardiologist, he does the same tests as before, Blood test, ECG, Ultrasound of my heart, as I've already tried colchicine, he recommends me some stimulant, so I try that for a few days but makes my chest much tighter. When I go back to him he says "Well thats all I can do, my job here is done". Great! Another doctor who is just a walking textbook that doesn't know what to do after he has tried 2 different things and they both don't work.

Over the next few days I manage to get a booking with another cardiologist at that same hospital so see if maybe they have any other ideas. This time she does the same tests, along with a stress test on a treadmill. During the run I can feel my chest almost caving in on it self, I am struggling to get even half a breath but I manage to complete the test. When I head back into her office, I sit down and for the rest of the 10 minutes I am in her office I am hunched over, having to lift my shoulders just trying to get a full breath.

What she said next just felt like a slap in the face and an absolute let down, she told me the results looked fine and I can go back to exercise. Since she didn't even seem to acknowledge me struggling to breathe infront of her I gave up trying to get any help from her and left.

Over the next few weeks my dad books recommends me to go to a cardiologist he saw a while ago and trusted quite well. So I head into his office, he does just 2 tests this time, an ECG and an ultrasound of my heart and says, "well the tests show nothing is wrong, maybe its anxiety" (Keep in mind I've never suffered anxiety in my life, yes i've been a bit depressed during high school, who hasn't?).

Great! Another doctor who doesn't know what do to when his knowledge of a book fails him.

The cardiologist recommends me to do a Lung Function Test, which I did, and the test shows that nothing is wrong, great...

After seeing so many different specialists, it feels like I'm getting nowhere, it feels like no test or anything seems to show what I'm going through, it feels like I can't enjoy anything in life anymore and since I can barely walk up stairs, barely sleep, barely breathe or feel relaxed for even a microsecond, I get my belt, go into my wardrobe and attempt to hang myself to stop what feels like eternal suffering.

Just as I go to wrap the belt around my neck and the clothes hanger pole, I hear my dad yell out that dinner is ready. I yell out OKAYYY, and realised that I didn't want dad or anyone else to see me hanging in my room. So I wipe my face and head out to dinner like nothing happened.

July 2022 - A New Hope

The next few days my dad goes to a coffee shop and finds someone pretty much in my same position, a young healthy male who is now barely able to breathe after his Pfizer Covid vaccine, he says to dad that something that really helped him was going to an osteopath.

Ok cool, Something new to try, nothing to loose. So I find an osteopath, he takes a look at me, after a chat, cracks and pops a few things and it finally feels like the metaphorical elephant that has been standing on my chest for months has finally half stepped off. Awesome! I also tell him that I had a build up of fluid around my heart, and for the first time in almost a year I get an acknowledgement of what I've been going through. He explains that when there is too much fluid or something wrong with the heart, the rib cage and chest moves around and tightens to protect the heart.

Over the next few days the metaphorical elephant comes back... So I head back to him every week or two and he pops and cracks many things. Over the next few months, the tightness in my chest and feeling like I'm getting nowhere comes and I decide to get my belt once more, only this time I get a call from one of my closest friends (Let's call him Mr Good Man). Whether this is a sign from God, pure luck or whatever it is, it pulled me back from what I was about to do and I go have another good chat with someone I can call one of my greatest friends (Thank you Mr Good Man)

Fast forward about 8 months, after seeing the osteopath almost every week, I finally don't have to lift my shoulders to get a full breath, I don't have to sleep with 10 pillows to breathe at night, I have't considered using my belt for non pants holding up related activities and I feel like I may be able to adapt to this new life that has been given to me. I can still barely walk up stairs without feeling like I've got 10 bricks on my chest, I still can't do any exercise, I still can't do many things. But I can walk on flat surfaces, I can still talk, I can still see, I can still talk to my friends and family, and for that I am greatful.

October 2022 - A Trip To Hospital

Around October 2022, my mum puts me in contact with a nurse who was also in my same position, tight chest after covid vaccine, hard to breathe, etc... She tells me that she saw a cardiologist who she managed to convince to give her a 5 day course of IVIG (Immunoglobulin via IV drip over the course of 5 days) and on the 5th days she felt like she was completely back to normal. Awesome! Almost sounds too good to be true but anything is worth a try. So a few weeks and around $15,000 later I get settled into my hospital bed for 5 days.

Now two very big things happened during these 5 days. The first being that unfortunately I noticed no change in my chest, but the second big thing changed with the people who I called my friends. Out of the two main friend groups I had, One from Uni when I was doing my IT course and one from the other Uni when I was doing my music course.

All three of my friends from my IT uni came to visit me during my stay. We had a good laugh, a good chat and overall a great time. Thank you Mr K, Thank you Mr G and Thank you Ms U.

But from the 6 or so in the music group, only one came to show up... I would have thought friends would have visited and supported their friends when they are in the hospital? I guess only real friends do. So I took some time to evaluate the people I knew. From the IT group, they all came to visit me in hospital, they all seem to want to better themselves in life, they all seem to want to talk about how to improve themselves, but from the music group, most of them just wanted to play video games, some of them were apparently too busy with work to be bothered to come visit me in hospital and when it came to christmas, they didn't seem to want to do anything because they were "too poor".

Since you become the people you hang around with the most, I decided that I would only keep people around me who I beleived were my friends, who I beleived wanted to see each other be the best version of themselves they could be and could be someone I could basically trust with my life. So I left all the group chats from the music group, left all the chats where it was just memes, left all the chats that were a waste of time and stayed with the ones I could truly call my friends.

During my hospital stay I also discovered someone on YouTube called Wim Hof, he is a man who beleives in using the cold to heal. So when I got home I decided instead of having a normal hot shower, I would start to have a cold shower. What started with a shock to my system eventually became something that I just had to do before bed, Even to today I am having a cold shower instead of a hot shower.

Something else I also discovered was someone on YouTube called Dr John Campbell, (I'd recommend taking a watch of some of his stuff HERE). Among his many videos, he interviewed a mountain biker named Kyle, (Watch HERE, HERE and HERE). Kyle said they one of the many things he tried was a Hyperbaric Oxygen chamber (HBOC), which is usually a little box you sit in, it fills up with oxygen and hydrogen in a pressurised chamber. Kyle mentioned that he was doing this 3-4 times a week for 3 months and seemed to really help him recover.

December 2022 - Blood

My mum suggested going to see someone who does something called "Live blood analysis"... After finding a place near me and making a booking with a skeptical but open mind, we find someone who can do this a little drive away from home, cool.

So I head in, have a chat, he pricks my finger and puts a tiny drop of blood on a glass slide and takes a look at it under his microscope with the TV display just next to it. What I saw next was confusing, depressing, scary and very strange. I could see each blood cell... but they were all clotted up and like a stack of coins. Rouleaux is a term to describe blood cells that have clotted / stuck together, take a read on wikipedia HERE.

If you want to see a picture of what my blood looked like, click ME . So he gave me some liquid herbs, liquid oxygen and hydrogen pills, told to take 10 MLs of the liquid oxygen & herbs twice a day, 1 of the hydrogen pills twice a day and come back in two weeks to take a look again.

Fast forward 2 weeks, we take another look at my blood under a microscope and... an IMPROVEMENT!!! Take a look at my new blood HERE. Awesome! I thought to myself. So I finished the rest of the bottles and while I didn't feel different, I at least knew there was some improvement within myself.

February 2023 - HBOC

So I found a place near me which had a Hyperbaric Oxygen Chamber and I booked in 3 sessions a week for 3 months and ... No change, bugger. I also decided to head back to the guy who took a look at my blood halfway through this and take a look at my blood again, because I would have thought breathing in oxygen and hydrogen in a pressurised environment would have been the same if not better then the pills, but strangely my blood had clotted back to before again, which sucked. So I took some more liquid oxygen and hydrogen pills again and hoped for the best.

Now I realised since I was able to fix my blood situation at least temporarily, but it going back to before after the oxygen and hydrogen there must still be something causing it to clump together, so there doesn't seem to be too much of a point to keep taking the oxygen and hydrogen until I address the problem causing the clumping in the first place.

Well anyway, onto the next thing I guess...

March 2023 - Slowly getting somewhere

So it's now near the end of March 2023 and i'd say my chest is about 10% better then when I started which is at least something I am greatful for. So I saw this video by Russell Brand who was interviewing a scientist who was talking about the benifits of saunas (Take a watch HERE), So i'm now up to today in early April 2023 and I've been going to the sauna every second or third day for about a week, unfortunately no change just yet but i'm still hopeful that there is something out there that may one day work.

Now to wrap up the last bits of this, a few of the reason why I decided to write this was because last night I was going over a few of the reports from the tests I had done over the last 2 years since I had my shots in October 2021. Now keep in mind I have had no physical injuries, no medical issues and have never had to take any pills except for maybe one or two asprin when I had a headache.

So, of the tests I had done and the reports that came with it, I decided to have another read over them again as I only recently got them after months of test among other things, and some things just didn't feel right. Apart from the GP who gave me the shots and then said luckily I've only got pericarditis, every other doctor and specialist said to my face that the tests show that nothing is wrong... But on my ECG after my first shot, the report said I had "An Incomplete right bundle branch block" the Transthoracic Echocardiograph of my heart from the 1st cardiologist says "Mild mitral regurgitation" and "Mild Tricuspid regurgitation", my blood test from the cardiologist shows that my Albumin level was at 53, when the normal range was 39-50.

Something didn't feel right for me looking back over these reports, especially when the doctors said there was nothing wrong when the tests say otherwise, they didn't even acknowledge what the results say.

And now we're back to today, I've had to leave work due to the ever increasing difficulty of breathing and am now on a full time journey to wellness and recovery.

Thank you for reading and please be greatful for the things you do still have because your health and wellness is your most important asset you can have in life.

More to come as I figure out this quite annoying puzzle, bye for now and thank you for reading!

Mid 2024 - Many, many things

It's mid 2024 as I write this part and most of what I will talk about is everything I've tried since mid 2023 to mid 2024.

So I tried doing a 48 hour fast of just water with a bit of celtic salt in the water and after dinner being my last meal, I skipped breakfast and it slowly started to feel like someone was squeezing the bottom of my lungs and trying to drag them down making it quite hard to breath. This feeling got worse and worse over the next 2 days, but I stuck with it for 2 days in case something might change.
Alas, Nothing changes during or after the fast except my diaphragm felt a LOT tighter.

General things
I've been sleeping on a grounding mat for 2 years now but still no general or breathing changes noticable as a result of this. I also tried nicotein gum for 1 month and nicotein patches for the next month but no general or breathing changes noticed. Tried ASEA gel and water for a month but no changes found. Also tried CDS drops twice a day but no changes found.

Carnivore Diet!
This was the most fun, I was on the carnivore diet for 3 months and unfortunately did not notice any breathing changes, BUT! I felt like I had a clearer head, felt like I had a bit more energy and just overall less 'crap'. What my diet consisted of for those 3 months was different cuts of steak and eggs, mince with eggs, and maybe once every week or two I'd have chicken with eggs or salmon with eggs.
Also, no, I did not get constipated, I did not have diarrhea, I did not get scurvy and I did not die from some obscure mineral I was missing. I also doubled the amount of salt I was having to the point where my steak would taste like it was soaked in salt water (yum yum). I also noticed a very subtle improvement in my heart palpitations after a few weeks but the improvements stagnated after then.

So after many blood tests, there was one thing that always seemed to stick out, my reverse T3 (rT3). The first blood test about mid 2023 my rT3 was about 200 units above the acceptable range (my rT3 was 730, normal range is 140-540) and the most recent blood test in may 2024, it is still slightly above the normal range (currently at 549), I am currently taking some thyroid suppliments which seem to have a temporary effect

Update from May 2024:

So far, these are the things I have tried that have helped other people but unfortunately have not helped me:
  • 12mg Ivermectin for 3 months
  • Zinc
  • Hydroxychloroquine
  • Vitamin C via IV
  • IVIG
  • Hyperbaric oxygen chamber 3 times a week for 3 months, 90 minute sessions.
  • PEA
  • Low Dose Naltrexone
  • Vitamin D Supplaments - 6 months
  • Vitamin A Supplaments - 3 months
  • Supplaments D3 & K2 - 2 months
  • Periodic daily fasts
  • Nattokinase - 4 months
  • Aspirin - 2 weeks
  • Melatonin - 5 months
  • Magnesium - ongoing since 4 years ago
  • Methylene blue - 2 months
  • Resveratrol - 2 months
  • N-acetyl cysteine - 3 months
  • Omega-3 fatty acids - ongoing since 4 years ago
  • Nigella sativa
  • Chlorine Dioxite
  • Acupuncture
  • Nicotein Patches for 1 month
  • Nicotein Gum for 1 month
  • Sleeping on a grounding mat for 2 years (still to this day)
  • ASEA water and gel for a month
  • 48 hour fasting once, then 2 meals a day for 2 months
  • Carnivore diet for 3 months (Just steak and eggs)
  • CDS

- My batch numbers are FF8222 (17 Sep 2021, Dose 1) and FG3712 (08 Oct 2021, Dose 2). Both Pfizer.


Even though I'm not 100% better yet, I thought I'd put together some resources of things that have helped me and other improve and in some instances get better, this is in the hopes that I will be able to help someone in the future :)

By the way none of this is medical advice, this is just a list of resources that helped me and may help others in my same position.

The Sauna

Saunas have been shown to have anti-depressant effects, help with heart health and more.


Ivermectin was a drug that was used quite a lot in India and Africa to deal with Covid-19 without vaccines.


Osteopaths focus on the muscles and skeleton to manipulate the body to return to a normal state.

Hyperbaric Oxygen Chamber

The Hyperbaric Oxygen Chamber is a box that is pressuried with pure oxygen to promote faster recovery.

Vitamin D

Vitamin D is a nutrient that your body naturlly makes from the sun and can be substituted in pill form.

Live Blood Analysis

Live blood analysis is taking a look at blood cells under a microscope and sugest remedies

More Resources

The FLCCC (Front Line Critical Care Alliance) is a great site for Covid info, vax injuries support, long covid support and more.


SMTPS or Show Me The Primary Source is a site I've been working on work as an alternative to wikipedia and be more "sources" focused.

"Safe & Effective"

Don't let me tell you what's "safe and effective", let me show you the proof so you can make up your own mind.

This is a document that Pfizer was forced to release under a FOI request. View Here

Points of interest in document:
  • Pg 7 - Information about the amount of officially reported cases (42,086)
  • Pg 12 - Details of the problems that happened with unborn babies, important to note paragraph 2 notes 270 unborn babies were killed, the next page states "There were no safety signals", meaning Pfizer doesn't care that their vaccine was directly linked to the death of unborn babies.
  • Pg 30-38 - (These pages detail the side effects reported after 1 or 2 doses of the Pfizer Covid vaccine)

Naomi Wolf is the CEO of the daily clout, wrote for The Guardian, The Sunday Times of London, Was an advisor to Al Gore & the clinton campaign.

  • Video on Hillsdale College Site: Here
  • Video on rumble in case first link doesn't work or is taken down: Here
Check out her substack if you are interested in reading more of what she has to say about issues she is passionate about Here

This info I found myself and needs a bit of explanation...
Note: The Pfizer vaccines that were distributed across the world all supposidly have the same ingredients, so this page from the UK will be relavent across the world.
This file here is a saved copy of this page in case it gets taken down. (UK FOI request for ingredients of the Pfizer Covid vaccine)

If you take a look at the list of ingredients, there are 2 items that are a bit of a concern to me: "ALC-0315" and "ALC-0159".

If you open each item you will see the safety data sheet for each ingredient, BOTH say "This product is for research use - Not for human or veterinary diagnostic or therapeutic use." on page 1. Item 4 for both documents also say these are KNOWN symptoms and effects -> "anemia, cough, CNS depression, drowsiness, headache, heart damage, lassitude, liver damage, narcosis, reproductive effects, teratogenic effects.".

Dr John Campbell explores the Pfzier & Moderna Scientific paper that goes over the original trial data.

View the video Here
View the Trial paper here

This is a document you may not want to read as the document goes into detail the deaths of foetus' and babies' reactions to the vaccine and following death.

But if you do decide to go ahead the link for the document is below.

Main point of concern in the document are on the bottom of page 2, starting on section "3. RESULTS".

View the document here

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